
Your mornings are about to get a little brighter! Unfortunately, that also means your evenings will be a bit darker.

That’s right, Daylight Saving Time is coming to an end.

正好在a点.m. 星期天,11月. 我们的时钟将拨回一小时至凌晨一点.m., which means you’ll have an extra hour of sleep.

This change gives us more 日光 on these fall and winter mornings, but you’ll notice that your afternoons might feel more evening-like as the sun sets earlier.

Benjamin Franklin is often credited with first introducing the idea of Daylight Saving Time in 1784. 在一封给巴黎编辑的讽刺信中, he suggested that Parisians could save money on candles by getting out of bed before their normal time of noon. The letter didn’t mention an actual change in time, according to the 美国澳门威尼斯人部. The more concrete concept for Daylight Saving Time is credited — depending on how the question is phrased — to either a New Zealand entomologist in 1895, 1908年的一位英国人. In the end, the first country to adopt the practice was Germany in 1916.

Today, the four extra weeks of Daylight Saving Time save an estimated 0.5% in total electricity each day, which translates to the amount of electricity used by more than 10万户家庭一整年.

But aside from the energy saved during Daylight Saving Time, its end each November offers another advantage. 它是一个很好的提醒 冬天准备好了 为即将到来的季节.

今年, being 冬天准备好了 will be more important than ever as energy experts predict higher home heating bills due to rising commodity prices and colder than average temps. With that in mind, we offer a few ideas for helping you become 冬天准备好了.

  • 在门窗上贴上防风雨条 — As much as 7 to 12% of a building's heating and cooling loss occurs around windows and doors? Install foam-backed tape around windows and doors to keep chilly temperatures outside. 
  • 用填缝物密封裂缝 — Do a check of windows, doors or w在这里 wood siding meets concrete foundation. 你觉得漏气吗? Apply caulk to seal cracks and joints to keep drafts and moisture out of your home.
  • 堵住插座周围的孔 — Use foam plugs to seal off energy loss around outlet plugs and light switches.
  • 跟上炉膛的定期保养 — Clean your filters once a month and replace them every three months. It’s also a great idea to get a furnace inspection before the cold temperatures strike.
  • 买一个可编程的恒温器 — Program your thermostat to help reduce energy usage overnight and while you’re out of the house. Set your thermostat to 68 degrees during winter months and reduce it by a couple of degrees while you’re sleeping.
  • 换灯泡 — Replace incandescent light bulbs with more efficient LED light bulbs, 哪一种既节能又省钱.

Getting 冬天准备好了 also means making sure you and your family will be safe. Remember to replace the batteries in your smoke detector; test your carbon monoxide detector and check emergency supplies. 如果你还没有应急包, 准备好了.政府澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供了一个清单,让你开始. Take some time to check on the batteries in your kit and restock the items you’ve used throughout the year.

随着更高的澳门威尼斯人成本即将到来, we also want customers to know that t在这里 are ways to mitigate the pain of higher monthly bills.

  • 预算结算: 一个免费的, 稳定的付款计划, Budget Billing gives you more predictable bills by averaging the amount you pay each month. 这种方式, you can avoid spikes in your bill caused by seasonal changes in how much energy you use or rising costs. 在这里注册.
  • 援助项目: We support and provide programs to help our customers manage their energy bills. 点击这里澳门威尼斯人. 您也可以致电我们的客户澳门威尼斯人支持团队 888-890-5554 or 在线澳门威尼斯人 to discuss our support options that may be available for you.
  • Monitor your energy usage on your energy portal: If you haven’t al准备好了 done so, now is a great time to create your personal energy portal. Not only does the portal allow you to conveniently pay bills online and manage your account preferences, but you will also be able to see your energy usage and adjust to save money. 创建门户很容易.

Adjusting to the end of Daylight Saving Time can be difficult but rest assured that we’re 在这里 to help. For more information about getting 冬天准备好了, click 在这里 to access a myriad of helpful hints and resources.


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