Six cyber security tips to keep you 和 your loved ones safe

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, 和 we’re recognizing it by sharing the top six tips our cyber gurus emphasize with their own families 在家里.

  • Do not give out private information. Beware of unsolicited phone calls, 电子邮件, or even visits from someone saying they’re with one of your utility or other trusted service providers. Don’t give out information like account information, 社会保险号, credit card numbers or bank account information. And don’t feel rude questioning the identity of someone claiming to represent a company. To verify if someone is who he says he is, don’t use any of the phone numbers he might provide. Instead, look up contact information for the company he’s claiming to represent, 和 call to verify.  
  • If you connect it, protect it. Whether it’s your computer, 智能手机, 游戏设备, or other network devices, make sure the operating system, anti-virus 和 web browser software are up to date. Change the default passwords on any network connected device you install. Never plug in an unknown USB drive that you find laying in the parking lot or receive in the mail. It’s highly likely to be part of a scam. 最后, be sure to periodically back up any data that cannot be recreated such as photos or personal documents.
  • Secure your Wi-Fi network. Your home’s wireless router is the primary entrance for cybercriminals to access all of your connected devices. Secure your Wi-Fi network 和 your digital devices by changing the factory-set default password 和 username.
  • Double your login protection. Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) on any application you can to ensure that the only person who has access to your account is you. Use it for email, banking, social media, 和 any other service that requires logging in.
  • 密切关注你的应用程序. Most connected appliances, toys 和 devices are supported by a mobile application. Your mobile device could be filled with suspicious apps running in the background or using default permissions you never realized you approved, which means they could be gathering your personal information without your knowledge while also putting your identity 和 privacy at risk. Make sure you only download apps from trusted vendors 和 sources.
  • 点击前三思. Scams are on the rise as scammers try to take advantage of people’s heightened anxiety during the p和emic. Many COVID-19 scams take the form of 电子邮件 with malicious attachments or links to fraudulent websites to trick victims into revealing sensitive information or donating to fraudulent charities or causes.

We hope these tips from our experts will help you stay safe at work, 在家里, 和 everyw在这里 in between. Make sure to follow us on 脸谱网InstagramLinkedIn 和 推特 获取最新提示!




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For us, safety isn’t numbers

这不是统计数据. It isn’t dollar signs, 和 it’s not about campaigns. 安全在于人. We've set a goal to be the safest energy company in the country. But we didn’t set that goal so we could check a box on a to-do list or show PowerPoint slides with charts featuring lots of down arrows. We did it so that everyone - including you - can go home safely. 每一天.
