




布莱克山公司. 致力于安全, 多样性, 环境的领导, 社会责任和商业道德. These fundamental values ensure that the decisions we make today are the right decisions for tomorrow. We expect our 供应商 of goods and services to adhere to these fundamental values and apply them to how they do business.

Our Code of Business Conduct and the Supplier Code of Conduct describes our expectations in more detail. 供应商应该教育他们的员工, agents and subcontractors so that they understand and comply with these codes as well as their own ethics and compliance guidelines. 违规行为可能改变布莱克山公司.与供应商的业务关系, 可能导致业务关系的终止.

I thank each of our 供应商, 供应商及承办商 for their commitment to these values. 坚持最高的道德标准, 社会和可持续的行为是我们关系的核心.


The Code of Business Conduct and the Supplier Code of Conduct do not create a contract nor should it be implied that they create a contract. 每个供应商都有责任知道, understanding and complying with laws and regulations necessary to conduct business with 布莱克山公司.

此处提及布莱克山公司. 包括布莱克山公司. and all of its subsidiaries; references herein to “供应商” include but are not limited to, 供应商, 供应商及承办商.


安全是我们的第一要务. 供应商必须共享布莱克山公司.’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy 工作place by exercising good judgment in 工作 decisions and applying safe 工作 practices (including regulatory and contract-specific requirements) to all activities. 供应商 must ensure that 员工s 工作ing on 布莱克山公司oration property adhere to general and site-specific safety requirements, 包括禁止使用和拥有非法毒品和酒精, restrictions on weapons possession (per state and federal laws and regulations) and support for a violence-free environment. 


布莱克山公司. 立志成为保护环境的业界领袖. We are committed to meeting or surpassing all applicable regulatory requirements and enhancing the communities we serve. 我们积极寻找与我们共同致力于保护环境的供应商. 供应商必须遵守所有联邦的文字和精神, 州和地方的环境法律, 以及适用的布莱克山公司. 政策和程序. 


供应商 must comply with the letter and spirit of applicable legal requirements including those prohibiting bribery, 回扣, corruption and other unethical business practices intended for the purpose of obtaining an improper advantage. 供应商 must comply with antitrust and fair-trade practices laws including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Federal and state energy regulatory commissions have specific codes and standards of conduct that address discrimination and preferential treatment between regulated companies and their affiliates. 布莱克山公司. 其供应商必须确保遵守这些规范和标准.


Whenever a gift or entertainment is offered in the context of a business relationship, 它有可能影响, 或者表现出影响, 商业决策. Exchanging modest gifts and courtesies may be acceptable under certain conditions; however, 与布莱克山公司做生意从来不需要它. 供应商 must never offer or provide personal incentives or rewards to 布莱克山公司. 员工s in an effort to influence 商业决策 such as a procurement award. 向黑山公司澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供现金或任何形式的现金等价物. 员工严禁入内.


A conflict of interest exists when a supplier faces a choice between what is in its best interests (financial or otherwise) and what is in the interest of 布莱克山公司oration.


  • 雇用布莱克山公司. 雇员或与黑山公司有密切私人关系的人. 员工.
  • 是由黑山公司部分或全部拥有或控制的吗. 雇员或家属.
  • 能进入布莱克山公司吗.在向布莱克山公司澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供商品和服务的同时,他还获得了公司的专有信息.的竞争对手.
  • Is involved in developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) and seeks to bid on the 工作 covered by the RFP. 

供应商 must promptly dis关闭 any potential conflict of interest to 布莱克山公司. 在进行任何商业交易之前进行审查. 如果在业务关系中出现潜在的冲突, 这件事一旦知道,就必须立即公布.


准确、可靠的信息和记录是会见布莱克山公司的关键.公司的财务、法律和管理义务. 供应商 must comply with generally accepted accounting principles including having in place a system of internal controls to promptly, 完整、准确地准备所需报告, 抵用券, 报销请求和发票. 供应商必须遵守所有适用的法律和合同要求, maintaining and disposing of records reflecting their business dealings with 布莱克山公司.


供应商 must conduct their operations in a socially responsible and nondiscriminatory manner. 供应商 must ensure that their 工作ers, while engaged in 工作 or services for 布莱克山公司.不要从事恐吓或骚扰他人的行为. 全布莱克山公司. 供应商 must comply with the letter and spirit of labor and employment laws must comply with the letter and spirit of labor and employment laws and the expectations outlined in our 人权与劳工政策 可在 供应商及承办商网页.


供应商必须使用布莱克山公司 .. 资源负责任,只用于合法的商业目的. 布莱克山公司. 资源包括公司设施, 设备, 系统, 技术资产, 信息、办公室和外勤用品. 供应商不能使用布莱克山公司.公司的名称或标志, trademarks or other intellectual property without the express written consent of the company. 尊重第三方的知识产权. 供应商及其员工也被禁止使用布莱克山公司 .的产品. resources or facilities to solicit or distribute information or materials not connected with regular 布莱克山公司. 工作.

布莱克山公司澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供给供应商的任何信息., including 员工 and customer information, must be managed in compliance with 布莱克山公司.政策和要求, 特别是隐私和IT安全要求, 以及适用的法律法规. Confidential information can only be shared within your company on a need-to-know basis. 供应商不能共享布莱克山公司.未经明确书面许可,不得向第三方泄露我方的机密信息.


布莱克山公司. 在评标过程中是否致力于公平和道德的交易, 谈判, 奖励决定和管理采购和采购活动. 供应商必须遵守本《澳门威尼斯人》, their subcontractors and all non-员工 工作ers providing services for or on behalf of 布莱克山公司.

我们保留进行调查和审计的权利, 包括供应商实地考察, to verify that a supplier’s business operations meet the expectations outlined in this code. 供应商 and their 员工s must cooperate in the event of an audit or investigation. 缺陷可能导致要求从布莱克山公司移走一名工人. 现场、整改计划或终止业务关系.  



供应商, their 员工s or their subcontractors must report actual or suspected noncompliance with 本供应商行为准则 by 布莱克山公司. 员工或供应商. 报告可由以下人员提出:

  • 通知你的黑山公司. 代表
  • 联系供应商多元化和发展 供应商upport@blackhillscorp.com
  • 给布莱克山公司写封信. Compliance Office, Attn: Code of Business Conduct/Ethics Designee, PO Box 1400, Rapid City, SD 57709
  • 联系商业行为准则/道德规范指定人 605-399-5059
  • 联系布莱克山公司.的道德帮助热线 888-418-1644

We encourage open discussion regarding any questions or concerns about the Code of Business Conduct, 本供应商行为准则, 或者在我们的业务关系中.  供应商可以直接向上面列出的联系人提出任何问题或疑虑.
